This Emergency Appeal seeks 3,582,099 Swiss francs on a preliminary basis to support the Hungarian Red Cross (HRC) to respond to the needs of 120,000 people for seven months. The operation will focus on the distribution of bottled water and basic non-food items, prepositioning of food and non-food relief items, health care including first aid, screening, and psychosocial support, hygiene promotion, restoring family links (RFL), and National Society capacity building.
The planned response reflects the current situation and information available at this point of the evolving operation. This Emergency Appeal will be revised shortly following a detailed assessment and to reflect the changing humanitarian situation.
The disaster and the Red Cross and Red Crescent response to date
From June 2015 onwards: increasing numbers of people arrive in Hungary in transit to other destinations in western and northern Europe.
5 August 2015: 322,365 Swiss francs released from the IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to meet the immediate needs of 72,000 migrants handled by the Röszke Pre-registration Facility. Action to address sanitary and psychological conditions with a special focus on hygiene needs for women and infants and the provision of psychosocial support.
By the first week of August an average of 1,500 migrants were being registered along the border on a daily basis. This number consistently grew over the first and second week of September, with the daily figure increasing to over 3,500 people a day and the highest recent number recorded of 5,809 newly arrived migrants on 13 September.
17 September 2015: Responding to the situation, the humanitarian need, and a request from the Hungarian Red Cross, Emergency Appeal launched on a preliminary basis for 3.58m Swiss francs for 120,000 beneficiaries.